Assessing the value of orphan drugs using conventional cost-effectiveness analysis: is it fit for purpose?


Conventional cost-effectiveness analysis—i.e., assessing pharmaceuticals through a cost per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) framework—originated from a societal commitment to maximize population health given limited resources. This "extra-welfarist" approach has produced pricing and reimbursement systems that are not well- aligned with the unique considerations of orphan drugs. This framework has been slow to evolve along with our increased understanding of the impact of rare diseases, which in turn has complicated the assessment of orphan drugs meant to treat rare diseases. Herein, we (i) discuss the limitations of conventional cost-effectiveness analysis as applied to assessing access to, as well as the pricing and reimbursement of, orphan drugs, (ii) critically appraise alternative and supplemental approaches, and (iii) offer insights on plausible steps forward.

Authors M J Postma, D Noone, M H Rozenbaum, J A Carter, M F Botteman, E Fenwick, L P Garrison
Journal Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases
Therapeutic Areas Rare Disease
Centers of Excellence Modeling & Meta-Analyses
Year 2022
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