Behind the scenes with Vicky Bramham, Managing Director, OPEN Health Patient & Brand Communications, PR
Written by Vicky Bramham on Wednesday, November 27, 2019
PME interviews Vicky Bramham, Managing Director, OPEN Health Patient & Brand Communications

What gets you out of bed in the morning?
My alarm clock! I get up early, around 5:30am, so I can enjoy some peace, a cup of tea and plan my working day before my three children get up!
What’s the best thing about working in healthcare comms?
Every day is different and the work so incredibly diverse. I sometimes don’t appreciate the true significance of what we are doing until I speak to a friend and tell them what I have been up to that day. Being able to tell someone that the communications you are doing is helping bring access to patients for a new cancer treatment reminds you of the importance of the work we do.
What’s the worst thing about working in healthcare comms?
That sometimes our rules and regulations can stand in the way of how we may want to communicate a story. But that’s our job – to work out a way of telling that story and adding the right amount of colour that will create impact in a way that doesn’t break the rules!
What’s your favourite bar or eatery?
Anywhere lively with good, unfussy food and great cocktails! I recently went to Mel e Pere in Soho and really enjoyed it.
Which book/film would you recommend above all others and why?
I am enjoying reading The Heartland by Nathan Filer. The author is a mental health nurse and examines schizophrenia to look at various issues within mental health and its treatment. It’s written from his own experience and through interviews with patients and experts. It’s moving and enlightening. I can’t put it down.
Which buzzwords/office-jargon get on your nerves?
Blue-sky thinking, touch base, thinking outside the box, low-hanging fruit, joined-up thinking… I could go on.
Which person, living or dead, do you admire the most and why?
Nelson Mandela – need I say more!
Who’s your healthcare comms hero?
Eric Lowe, the former Chief Executive of Myeloma UK. Eric is a tireless and passionate advocate for the improved care of myeloma patients and integral in driving innovative approaches to how new treatments are made available on the NHS.
What has been your career highlight to date?
Joining OPEN Health Patient & Brand Communications and working in such a multi- disciplinary environment. I’ve learnt so many new perspectives in a matter of months working closely alongside colleagues in advertising, patient engagement and insights with one common goal.
What’s your golden rule/piece of advice for someone starting a career in healthcare comms?
Work as a team, roll your sleeves up and above all be flexible and resilient – you need to be prepared to take the occasional negatives with the many positives.
Get in touch
For further information or to discuss your PR needs, please contact Vicky Bramham