OPEN Health Art Worker Paul Danbury is retiring after 54 years in the business
Written by Paul Danbury on Friday, December 20, 2019
OPEN Health are sad to say goodbye to Paul Danbury, stalwart Art Worker at OPEN Health Patient & Brand Communications, who retires today after a legendary 54 years in the business, with the best 8 of them at OPEN Health.
Read below for a few last words from Paul.

What will you miss about working at OPEN Health?
The people, it’s as simple as that. We work hard but we have a laugh!
What does the next chapter hold for you?
My mind’s on freelance, I hope to do some work for OPEN Health medical communications, and a bit of gardening and DIY! I’ll make it up as I go along, a couple days here and there.
If you could have done anything differently what would it have been?
Become a millionaire!
What advice would you give to a graduate or new starter?
Take everything in and learn as much as you can, and more importantly enjoy it while you can.
We will miss your quirky get up, will you come back and see us?
Yes! Definitely, the people here are great. I like the crazy ones! And most of them are crazy one way or the other!