A day in the life of an Account Manager Rose-Marie Billington
Written by Liam O'Hara on Friday, October 16, 2020
We asked Rose-Marie Billington to give us an insight into her role as an Account Manager at OPEN Health.

Please summarise your role and responsibilities
I am an Account Manager, which means my role is to be the day-to-day contact for several of our clients and to oversee the projects within each of the accounts I manage. I am responsible for ensuring we stick to timelines and budget and maintaining communication internally and externally, as well as identifying clients’ needs and working with the team to find solutions.
Please briefly describe a typical working day
As a creature of habit, my day always starts with a large black coffee as I scroll through and organise my emails; I have an organised filing system that helps me to keep on top of my priorities and to-do tasks— without it, I’d be lost! I then reorganise and add to my to-do list (which I write every evening) based on messages that have arrived overnight. In terms of the specific tasks on my to-do list, many will be centred around developing or reviewing cost estimates and proposals for upcoming or prospective projects and keeping on top of daily admin. I also check in with the writing team on each account to ensure they feel supported and have all they need to create content, make sure that we’re tracking to time and budget on all projects and liaise with clients.
What aspect of your day/role do you most enjoy?
Without a doubt, my favourite part of my job is building relationships with clients. Creating and maintaining true partnerships so that clients feel comfortable putting their faith in us to help their business succeed is hugely rewarding.
What makes working at OPEN Health great? What’s different about working here?
OPEN Health makes you feel valued as an individual and a team. A lot of medical communications companies claim to be people centred, but OPEN Health really show it. Having started working here just 2 months before the COVID-19 lock down, it was inspiring to feel part of the team so instantly. My colleagues really are a joy to work with.
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