What we do / Learning & development

Delivering training that drives enhanced performance

We bring together a unique set of skills and experience to offer a fresh, innovative approach to learning.

A winning formula for internal training

Your teams are your most powerful tool; they will be at the heart of your success. Equipping them to achieve enhanced performance will allow you to set and implement a smart, effective strategy.

Our winning formula produces effective programs that develop knowledge, competencies and confidence using multiple training techniques built on robust adult learning theory. Our programs are designed with outcomes in mind, so your teams have everything they need to implement learnings and reach their maximum potential.

Building knowledge with compelling content

Clinical relevance

An understanding of science and data is fundamental, but to have conversations that resonate with HCPs, the team also needs to understand how these relate to clinical practice.


All healthcare training material must be robust and up to date, balancing breadth and depth to build knowledge that will equip learners to become credible partners to stakeholders across the healthcare community.

Strategic alignment

It is vital that training clearly articulates your strategy and focuses conversations in the right areas. By interlinking training with communications plans, we can boost performance across all forms of customer interaction.

Beyond what, to how: competencies

Traditional training programs often focus on increasing the knowledge of participants, potentially supplemented by skills sessions.

Although both are important, what is typically missing is a more integrated program in which competencies are woven into the main program so that learners can apply what they have learned to real-life scenarios.

Customer engagement
KOL profiling
Objection handling
Strategic planning
Insight gathering
Medical messaging
Data interpretation
Presentation skills

“Knowledge and competence are crucial to performance, but confidence is often the X factor that will really drive performance.”


A day in the life of a Learning and Development Account Manager

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Digital innovations – fabulous or a fad? Where to invest in digital for maximum learning benefit when implementing your training program

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Why prioritize the patient voice when developing your training program and how can digital innovation help?

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Metrics matter: measuring learning impact in healthcare training

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Learn how to step forward: analyze your learners’ digital needs and digital literacy to help create better training programs

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Promoting interactivity, motivation, and engagement in virtual learning

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Get in touch

To learn more about how we can support your learning and development or healthcare training journey, please get in touch.

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